
Posts Tagged ‘oxidation products’

1. OxC-beta, is a novel, intellectual property protected complex formed when beta‐carotene spontaneously and fully reacts with oxygen.

2. OxC-beta contains NO Vitamin A and NO beta-carotene

3. The OxC-beta beta‐carotene oxidation products have existed naturally in the plant world for many millions of years and their wide dispersal inevitably involves continual, everyday exposure of animals via nutritional or respiratory means.

4. The implied safety of the long history of exposure to beta‐carotene oxidation products in OxC‐beta is supported by safety testing carried out in animals by Chemaphor (Avivagen’s parent company).

5. OxC‐beta has been found to display a unique combination of immunological properties, notably, priming of innate immune function, the first line of defence, especially under situations of stress, while being able to limit inflammatory conditions.

6. Benefits of OxC-beta supplementation in dogs include major improvements in coat behaviour and quality, and, in older dogs, revivals in mobility, energy levels and interest in activities. 

7. Trials with swine and poultry have shown that low parts‐per‐million levels of OxC‐beta in feed produce results comparable to those of a conventional antibiotic.

8. A proof of concept study in rainbow trout has shown OxC‐beta incorporated into feed enhances innate immunity by increasing the respiratory burst and bactericidal activity of leukocytes.

9. OxC‐beta itself has no antimicrobial activity but may increase expression of immune receptors for a more rapid and adequate response to incipient bacterial infections, which, together with any effect upon existing inflammatory conditions, could help reduce any energy‐sapping, growth‐inhibiting side effects of these situations.

10. OxC‐beta is functionally and cost‐competitive with in‐feed antibiotics and therefore a strong candidate for consideration as an alternative in the low‐risk veterinary health product category.

11. OxC-beta supports a normal and healthy inflammatory response by promoting balance between mechanisms involved in triggering inflammation and those involved in resolving it

12. OxC-beta increases the abundance of “good” bacteria in the intestines which promotes a healthy gut; this is called a “pre-biotic” effect

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Beta-carotene is most famously known for giving carrots their characteristic orange colour

Carrots.  They’re orange they’re crunchy and they’re turning out to contain compounds that are much more important to health and well-being than we ever could have imagined.

Ever wonder what makes a carrot orange?  It’sβ-carotene, just one of over 600 carotenoids belonging to a family of compounds with members present in every photosynthetic plant on Earth.   But it’s not just about esthetics.  β-Carotene is an important precursor to vitamin A – an indispensible carotenoid derivative that has gained massive popularity in the health and beauty market.

What recent studies are now showing, however, is that there are benefits inherent in the β-carotene that go beyond just vitamin A and can actually be attributed to other non-vitamin A carotenoid derivatives formed during the full oxidation of the β-carotene molecule.

Sound complex? That’s because it is.  But let’s see if we can simplify it just a little.


If you were to take the β-carotene molecule and break it up by adding in oxygen you would get a complex mixture of carotenoid derivatives that have shown many beneficial effects on the health and well-being of our four-legged canine pals.  These carotenoid derivatives are unique and distinctly different from vitamin A, which results from a specific enzyme-driven reaction within the gut of humans and animals.

In other words, in order to unlock the full benefits of β-carotene it must first be fully oxidized, a process that occurs naturally and spontaneously in nature. 

This oxidation process results in the full destruction of the β-carotene molecule itself and the production of a whole host of oxidation products that have important non-vitamin A health benefits.

So why not just eat more carrots?  Turns out it’s not as simple as that. 

While the process of carotenoid oxidation occurs naturally in the plant world, the products of that oxidation reaction are present in such minuscule amounts that it would be physically impossible to get the full benefit just by increasing the quantity of vegetables you eat.

Enter OxC-beta, a formulation of fully oxidized β-carotene derivatives that has shown some extremely promising benefits for humans and animals alike.

While it may take some time for this research to hit the human health market, our four-legged canine friends are able to benefit from this research right now making them the first species to utilize the inherent powers contained in theβ-carotene molecule.

Move over Vitamin A – OxC-beta’s time to shine.

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